First time haircut while Terrible Two-ing

toddler s first haircut

I’ve been dreading the first haircut – now it’s too late. Bianca is 2 years and 9 months old and very active. She likes having her hair long ( like Elsa from Frozen) but desperately needs a haircut so the hair stays out of her eyes.

Today it was mummy’s salon day, so I used the occasion to thick another box:

Bianca’s first haircut

Last week was a disaster. She’s halfway through the terrible twos and cries very often. So… she cried when the hairdresser touched her hair.

There is no general recommendation related to the first haircut age. Still, you’ll find on the internet that most kids have their first haircut between 6 months and 2 years old.  

Bianca’s hair grew very slowly.  See below a hair growth timeline from 6 months old to today:

baby hair growth timeline

Today was a haircut win. Mummy’s stylist helped a lot. Vera has 3 kids and a lot of of experience, the little car helped as well :-))

toddler s first haircut

The haircut took less than 5 mins, but for me it felt like an eternity.

Like all new toddler experiences, parents are more nervous than necessary. We should have faith that everything is going to be OK and trust our kids more.


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While you’re struggling with toddler haircut, you can try some hair accessories. They’re so precious: Bianca loves Peppa pig, Minnie Mouse and Frozen.

Toddler haircare

When Bianca was a baby, we would have washed her hair at every wash. When she was 1 yo, I washed her hair every second wash and now it’s every 5 days.

Shampoo wise, we’re using Bioderma ABCDerm from birth.

When is it the time to move to something else? What are you guys using for your toddlers?

Terrible twos are difficult, but kids are delicious at this age:

toddler's first haircut

I love her so much!



This is a personal blog. My opinion on what I share with you is that “All models are wrong, but some are useful”. Improve the accuracy of any model I present and make it useful!

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