Your 1-Year-Old Baby’s Development and Milestones

1 year old baby

Hey! Baby just got promoted to Toddler. Toddlerhood is a exciting period and it lasts until they reach 3 years. 


When researching my content, I use official websites such as the CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). They list the below as the milestones a child should reach by the end of 1 year:

Social/Emotional Milestones

  • Plays games with you, like pat-a-cake

Language/Communication Milestones

  • Waves “bye-bye”
  • Calls a parent “mama” or “dada” or another special name
  • Understands “no” (pauses briefly or stops when you say it)

Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving)

  • Puts something in a container, like a block in a cup
  • Looks for things he sees you hide, like a toy under a blanket

Movement/Physical Development Milestones

  • Pulls up to stand
  • Walks, holding on to furniture
  • Drinks from a cup without a lid, as you hold it
  • Picks things up between thumb and pointer finger, like small bits of food

Baby playing

UNICEF lists out these milestones:

  • He is copying movements and gestures.
  • Bangs objects together.
  • Drinks from a cup and uses other objects correctly.
  • Finds things that are hidden.
  • He looks at the right object when it is named.
  • Can follow simple directions and lets go of objects without help.
  • He puts objects in containers and can take them out.
  • Can take a few steps without support.
  • Gets into a sitting position without support.
  • Pulls up to stand and walks while holding onto furniture.


As they’re toddlers now, they begin to test limits by engaging in certain behaviors to drive caregiver response. 



Baby Growth 


The normal growth range at 1 year old differs between boys and girls:

  • Length
    • Girls range from 66 – 82 cm (26-32 in.)  in height;
    • Boys range from 68 – 83 cm (27-33 in.)  in height;
  • Weight
    • Girls range from 7000-13100 gr (15-29 lb.) in weight;
    • Boys range from 7700-13300gr (17-29 lb.) in weight.

For more info on this, check the Growth WHO Standards table and other baby standards here.  


Baby Sleep

Baby will keep the below schedule until around 16 months of age:

  • 1st nap at 9 am;
  • 2nd nap at 1 pm;
  • 7 pm bedtime.

It is normal for your baby to get up between 6 and 7 am in the morning, but also normal at this age to wake up between 5 to 6 am. Your baby might seem well rested ( probably slept for 11 hours during the night), but 12 hours is also achievable. There are a few things to try in order to push the wake up hour to 7 am:

  1. keep a sleep log to note down what you change in the routine and how it impacts your baby’s sleep. Get a free here;
  2. if you don’t have 80% darkness in the room, you should try harder to achieve it. I wrote here about the important room and baby sleep training prep;
  3. if your baby sleeps less than 1.5hr during the day, move bedtime 15 mins earlier each day until the baby will get on track (remember: sleep log!);
  4. if your baby sleeps more than 3hr during the day, try and cap the longest nap (so the baby will be prepared for the 12 hours night-sleep).
  5. if you tried all of these, just let the baby enjoy some crib time (don’t make light in the room until it gets as close as possible to 6:30-7 am).


Baby Feeding

1 Year – 3 meals + 2 snacks / day :

  1. BREAKFAST: Fruits
  2. LUNCH: Vegetables + Proteins
  3. SNACK: Fruits
  4. DINNER: Vegetables, Cereals, Dairy products
  5. SNACK: Vegetables
  • Fruits: everything ;
  • Vegetables: same as months above plus the new ones: radishes, peas, artichoke, sorrel, cabbage, nettles;
  • Proteins: same as month above plus: fish, cheese, cream cheese, cheddar, parmesan, edam, gouda, svaiter, grana padano, emmental, pecorino, goats cheese;
  • Cereals/ Pseudocereals: everything ;

Try waiting at least 2 days after introducing new food to the baby to check for any allergic reactions. If you notice symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting it might mean that the baby is allergic to a certain food type.

Don’t forget to start giving the baby water. If you use bottled water, check the level of sodium or sulphate. Look on the label to check the levels:

  • Sodium (Na) <= 200 mg/l ;
  • Sulphate (‘SO’ or ‘SO4’) <= 250 mg/l.


Baby Eyes

Some babies will experience changes in eye color up to 1 year of age and some little ones’ eye color even continues to change hues until they’re 3 years old.


  Sky is the limit, there are so many activities that you can do without the need of any special toys or materials:

  • Opening and closing a drawer
  • Building a tower
  • Finding the object
  • Inserting objects
  • Introduction to puzzles
  • Painting
  • Pretend games with toys
  • Rolling a ball
  • Spreading sand or.. flour
  • Squeezing a wet sponge
  • Put the top on and.. off
  • Using a key
  • Play with water volume and pressure

Baby crawling on the grass

Also, let the baby crawl as much a possible (don’t force them to walk just yet) as crawling is beneficial for hand-eye coordination and boosts gross and fine motor skills.

Must-have toys

 (Note: I participate in the affiliate amazon program. This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon or other publishers I trust (at no extra cost to you). I may receive a small commission when you buy using my links, this helps to keep the blog alive! See disclosure for details.)

When you exhaust all the activities that use no materials, get some of the below toys (for the age 1Y ), your baby will love them:

  • Wooden Shape Sorting & Ring Stacking. Kids can count the holes then match the blocks with the pillars on the top of the wooden cart, cultivating their number learning and color sorting ability. Get them here.
  • More Stacking, a Ring. Each ring features a different texture and weight; Textural variety is great for mouthing!; buy one here.
  • Pull String Learning Rope. Help Develop Motor Skills: There are 6 cords of different shapes, some are easy to grasp and pull, while the others are more challenging, that will help strengthen fine and gross motor skills, hand eye coordination. This is a great one to buy.
  • Wiggle and Crawl Ball. Interactive ball wiggles and wobbles on its own encouraging your little one to chase after it. Our dog also likes it, haha.
  •  Float and Play Bubbles. Each bubble helps stimulate baby’s sense of sight, hearing and touch. You’ll have troubles getting the baby out of the bathtub 🙂

1 Year Old Baby Schedule

  • 7:00: Wakes up & Nurse / Receives bottle 
  • 7:30: Solid food
  • 8:00: Playtime (activities & toys)
  • 8:45: Nurse / Receives bottle
  • 9:00: Nap
  • 11:30: Solid food
  • 12:00: Outdoor time
  • 12:45: Nurse / Receives bottle
  • 13:00: Nap
  • 15:30: Outdoor time
  • 16:30: Solid food
  • 17:00: More Outdoor  & Indoor Playtime (activities & toys)
  • 18:30: Bath time and pre-sleep routine
  • 18:50: Nurse / Receives bottle
  • 18:55 – 19:00 Bedtime!


They grow up so fast! 0 to 1 year old in 1 min. Read about 1 year old baby s development and milestones here: #babiesoftiktok #toddlersoftiktok #momstruggles #babydevelopmentmilestone #babydevelopment

♬ Cea mai buna zi – Suie Paparude


  This is a personal blog. My opinion on what I share with you is that “All models are wrong, but some are useful”. Improve the accuracy of any model I present and make it useful!

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